
We Take Sustainability to Heart

Selecting and developing properties with an eye toward sustainability is not only good for the environment and the climate but also benefits our investors. This is the reason we have been integrating the concept of sustainability into our corporate strategy for already more than a decade. Sustainability is something we take to heart. Regardless of the importance of the financial figures, our responsibility to society and the environment is just as great.

We are inspired by this conviction and demonstrate this with our actions. Three of many examples of our sincere commitment to sustainability include

  • the incorporation of the potential for green buildings into our selection process since 2009;
  • the KanAm Grund Group as a founding member of the Green Rating Alliance (GRA); and
  • satisfying the general demand for electricity and natural gas of our LEADING CITIES INVEST fund in a climate-neutral manner.
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Taking responsibility and leading the way

We know that sustainability is also an increasingly important issue for our investors. We have recognized this in numerous meetings, which strengthens us in our commitment. We have been promoting the issue of sustainability for many years through the presence of our own Sustainability Officer and Sustainability Team. Starting in 2018, this again triggered even a wider range of internal changes. We continue to be committed to a clear corporate social responsibility roadmap.

Long-standing working group for sustainability issues

Appointment of a Sustainability Officer

Founding of a 14-person Sustainability Team

Internal review of properties for ecological and energy-efficient features

Optimizing the availability and use of ESG data in the portfolio

Implemenation of fund-based optimization measures, e.g. for LEADING CITIES INVEST

Starting in 2020: gradual implementation of additional optimization measures for the entire property portfolio

In 2020: Moving or Frankfurt headquarters to the sustainably designed Omniturm building, which will be LEED certified

Corporate citizenship: local action

Our commitment goes well beyond creating optimal workspaces with purchased properties. At our investment locations, we also promote initiatives that help improve the quality of life in urban areas. We focus primarily on the following two programs:



Art in Public

Based on the aim of making art accessible to everyone, free of charge, we have been offering our support to “Perspectives” (“Blickachsen”) since 2015. Perspectives is an exhibition that brings sculptures into the public sphere. At eight locales in the Rhine-Main region – the home of the KanAm Grund Group – the Art in Public initiative creates a unique interplay between art and nature. The thoughtful placement of contemporary works in the environment opens up new perspectives to visitors and passersby. We are grateful to be able to help support this initiative.

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